Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словами in o. Страница четырнадцать

Словосочетания со словами in o. Страница четырнадцать

take the bit in one's mouth
take the bit in one's teeth
To have your own way; take charge of things; take control of something.
Поступать по-своему; брать на себя ответственность за что-либо; контролировать что-либо.
When Mary wanted something, she was likely to take the bit in her teeth and her parents could do nothing with her.
Когда Мэри чего-то хотела, она предпочитала брала удила в свои руки, и ее родители ничего не могли с ней поделать.
Sometimes you have to take the bit in your mouth and forge your own path, regardless of what others may think.
Иногда приходится пересилить себя и проложить свой собственный путь, независимо от того, что думают другие.
She decided it was time to take the bit in her teeth and pursue her dreams, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead.
Она решила, что пришло время взять себя в руки и следовать за своими мечтами, несмотря ни на какие препятствия.
When the time comes, don't hesitate; take the bit in your mouth and charge forward with confidence.
Когда придет время, не медлите, возьмите удила в свои руки и смело двигайтесь вперед.
take with a grain of salt
take with a pinch of salt
To accept or believe only in part; not accept too much.
Принимать или верить во что-то только частичино; не доверять; скептически относиться.
A man who says he is not a candidate for President should usually have his statement taken with a grain of salt.
We took Uncle George's stories of the war with a pinch of salt.
I heard that the tuition fees are going to be reduced, but that should be taken with a grain of salt.
Я слышал, что стоимость обучения будет снижена, но я не думаю что это стопроцентная информация.
thorn in the flesh
thorn in one's side
Something that causes stubborn trouble; a constant bother; a vexation.
The new voter organization soon became the biggest thorn in the senator's side.
The guerrilla band was a thorn in the flesh of the invaders.
throw in one's lot with
cast in one's lot with
cast one's lot with
To decide to share or take part in anything that happens to; join.
The thief decided to throw in his lot with the gang when he heard their plans.
When Carl was old enough to vote, he threw in his lot with the Democrats.
Washington was rich, but he decided to cast in his lot with the colonies against Britain.
throw something in one's face
throw something in one's teeth
To blame a person for (something wrong); not allow someone to forget (a mistake or failure). Often used with back.
Bob came home late for dinner last week, and his mother keeps throwing it back in his face.
I made a mistake in the ball game and the boys keep throwing it back in my teeth.
train of thought
Последовательность связанных мыслей, размышлений.
I was considering the different options when the noise outside broke my train of thought.
Я размышлял над возможными вариантами, когда шум снаружи прервал ход моих мыслей.
turn in one's grave
turn over in one's grave
To be so grieved or angry that you would not rest quietly in your grave.
Перевернуться в гробу; быть настолько сварливым, что не найти покоя даже в могиле.
If your grandfather could see what you're doing now, he would turn over in his grave.
If your grandfather could see how you're wasting his money, he would turn over in his grave.
Если бы твой дедушка мог видеть как ты транжиришь его деньги, он бы в гробу перевернулся.
turn over in one's mind
To carefully consider.
I will have to turn it over in my mind whether to accept the new job offer from Japan.